Politics Unveiled Today brings Congressional bills & information directly into American Homes.

Politics Unveiled Today is dedicated to taking American politics from the floor of Congress to the hands of the American People. Politics Unveiled is an opportunity to share and compare information, as well as thoughts from a variety of news organization, scholarly journals and direct contributors. Our site is a place that allows us to wonder, search, and discover. It is a place that connects us not only with our information sources, but also the leaders we have chosen to represent us. Amazingly, all of this is contained in one centralized resource Politics Unveiled Today (PUToday.com).

Putoday.com is a political, social networking, information hub. People visiting PUToday.com can view any Bill or Resolution written by Congress, search Congressional Representatives by zip code, or state, as well as their voting record. They will have access to all the top headlines from various domestic and foreign news organizations, and be able to read various articles on different topics. As we add more data and information sources over time, we plan to provide historical as well as current news and educational materials like “the history of congress” and “how to register to vote in your state”. PUToday.com is a learning resource for all ages.